Wednesday 11 February 2015

Goodbye Party For Miss Pushpa T.S- An Analysis

                    Goodbye Party For Miss Pushpa T.S is an satirical poem by NISSIM EZEKIEL. He decided to maintain the notion of breaking rules of traditional poems. It is considered as mild attack on Indian English Speakers. The poem might be as simple one but discussion on serious topic.

                    The author revealed the mismatch between Indian thoughts and English cultutre. It was seen in throughout the poem. From his writings he brought the serious theme in a fun manner i.e. mocking. There is a lack of communication skill and it implies those mismatch.

                    The poem begins with present continuous tense instead of using simple present tense. thus the mocking of Indian Speakers is begun. The general theme of Ezekeil was love, alienation, death, Indian and Spiritual values.

                    It is in the form of dramatic monologue. Miss. Pushpa is depicted as a pleasing personality. In the middle of the poem the author talked about her father and his job seemed as irrelevant and consists of lot of diversions from ideas.
                    The tone of the poem is humorous through sarcastic is devoid. The speaker called her as sister and showed that he was in respectable position in office. From this poem we came to conclude that she was beautiful both internally and externally.

                    There is a lack of clarity in this poem because of irrelevant details. thus the poem spoke about the Indian English with lucidity.

Post your aspects in comment Friends.



  1. I think we should not boast this poem so much because we are mocking ourselves. We Indians are not native speakers of this fractured language. So its obvious that we do committ mistakes. A platform to rectify errors are fine but this kind of sarcasm is not in a state to appreciate. If we dnt motivate ourselves who else will do ??

  2. or else we should take this as a serious issue and improve ourselves.
    and yeah i also agree with you.

  3. hey you should also post the original poem.. If you would please that would helpful to readers.

  4. Do you know that this Poem is included in BA English degree textbooks in India. So everyone better take this serious and improve your English.

  5. This is not a diplomatic way.This is absolute ignorance as you are mentioning.Remember the poet was also Indian and his works has been complimented.We are learning and acquiring from this.
