Tuesday 10 February 2015

Portrayal of Indian country through The White Tiger

 India is a democratic country. After the independence of India, there are two major classes in the country. One is upper class and the other is lower class. In the period of both pre independence and the post independence high class people has more and more advantage than middle and low class people. Sometimes they are separated by caste and religion also. Their works depend on their caste. For example in the novel ‘The White Tiger’ Halwai people has the duty to make sweets. Books are one of the major resources to know about culture, tradition and customs. It helps to gain the background knowledge. Every story or every person tied with cultural background. He belongs to particular nationality or any religion. This paper is going to discuss about the Portrayal of India through the life of Balram in the Aravind Adiga’s debut novel The White Tiger.

“Your Excellency, India is two countries in one: an India of light and India of darkness…”

                    The author presents India into two: an India of light and an India of darkness. The duality starts from here. He presents duality through the two characters Balram, who lead a poor life and suffers a lot by his masters and Ashok , who is  a boss for Balram lead a rich life. Of course by the reference of Aravind Adiga there are two India. An India of  light denotes the rich people like the characters Ashok who enjoys luxurious life and full freedom. His often shops at big malls in Delhi. He bribes politicians many times for his business purpose. For the half part of novel he enjoys his life. In another dark side people like Balram suffers for their identity. They are treated like slaves to their masters. Finally he overcomes his suffer and settled as owner for many cabs.

“No! Mr.Jibabo, I urge you not to dip in Ganga, unless you want your mouth full of faeces, straw, soggy parts of human bodies, buffalo carrion, and seven different kinds of industrial acids”

                    He begins his picture from the description of natural things. He makes a small commentary on how the river Ganga is affected. He refers it as The Holy River many tourists came there and liked to take photograph. By the next point he describes how the holy river is polluted through the religious beliefs.

“All the four animals lived in high-walled mansions just outside Laxmangarh- the landlords’ quarters”

                     He gives the comment on landlord system in India. It is a domination of rich class people among the poor class society. In the white tiger novel the four lords in Laxmangarh such as the buffalo, the stork, the wild boar, the raven. He indicates these characters by the names of animals because of their brutality and cruelty among poor people.

“There was a clapping from the direction of the portrait of Gandhi - the old tea shop owner began shouting that all workers had to leave…”

                    The portrait of Gandhi is the symbolical representation for corruption and slavery. Mahatma is the main reason for the independence of India by following Ahimsa. In front of his portrait the owner treats them as slavery to him. In another place there is a bribe in front of his portrait also. There is a small difference between the pre-independence period and the post independence period. In earlier where the Gandhiji’s portrait or his real appearance there is is only truth and good things happened. In the latter where is his portrait there is only fake things are going on educational institutions, police stations, many government offices, courts and in judgment also. This is one of the beautiful descriptions in THE WHITE TIGER.

“The day the British left-the cages had been open; and the animals had attacked and ripped each other apart and jungle law replaced zoo law. Those that where the most ferocious the hungriest, had eaten everyone else up, and grow big bellies”

                    It is the severe attack on India. Before independence Indian people are worked together and raised against British slavery. Our national leaders struggled and got independence by many sacrifices and shed of blood. After the independence people starts to hunting on each other because of their money mind. Some people dominate the other and sucks their blood. Simply the author says, “We are animals live in city”.
                    The theme of marriage and love relationship is also discussed in the cultural background of India. Ashok’s wife Pinky madam loves America. He wants to live in India. There is a bit of misunderstanding between them and she left from him. He is totally depressed and became drunkard. His reunion with his former lover Uma is another controversy. In other side there is a more loss and problem in his business often bribes politician and loss his maximum money. Faithful Balram starts to care him like his wife. He supports him. Through their marriage life Adiga tries to portray that Indian people are influenced by western culture.

“In India there are three types of fever: Dengue, Cholera and the election fever”     

                     He talks about the diseases in India. The main disease is the election fever which decides who is going to rule. In India during the time of election there are posters and slogans everywhere. Money and alcohol is the main matter during the election time in India. People are going and coming ask to vote for their emblem. Many leaders give election speech and starts to hunt their votes. There is only talking of money. There is more money and less democracy.
                      He pictures the reality and the sufferings of low class people who doesn’t has no money. There are many dualities in the novel. The author vividly portrays the contrast things through the characters Ashok and Balram. Ashok is a rich man and enjoys luxury life. Balram is his servant who lives in a very tiny room which shares with cockroaches. Ashok is attended by foreign prostitute and Balram is attended by local prostitute indicate everything in India is depends on money only.  He often gets insult by Ashok’s family. The description about the appearance of people also described through the words like Vertiligo Lips etc. He often uses the phrase Rooster coop which symbolizes the way the humans living.
                   Finally he became murderer by murdering his boss and steals his money. He gives bribe to police for his new identity and cab agency and starts to run his life smoothly. He neglects to believe anybody.  Through the character Balram and Ashok Aravind Adiga clearly explains the background of Dark India and gives less importance for India as lightness. He explains only in some places like shopping malls, mobile phones , his cab agency designed with technology etc. Aravind Adiga’s main motive is to capture the dark india through the ordinary Rick - Shaw puller’s son  Balram is grand success .

I agree this papaer is incomplete. till more to be discuss


  • www.arvindadiga.com
  • The White Tiger – Aravind Adiga Isbn 978-81-7223-847-6
  • Wikipedia