Tuesday 28 April 2015

Who is the happiest person?

A person who gets food, cloth, shelter (basic needs) is happier than 75% of world population.

A person who has account in bank is one of the millionaires in just 8% of the world population.


 A person who gets computer is one of the happiest persons in just 1% of the world population.


A person who doesn’t have any disease is happier than people fell dead in bed.


A person who doesn’t have any physical disabilities is happier than 20 crore people in world population.


A person who doesn’t suffer by prison, war, starvation is happier than 70 crore people in world population.


A person who doesn’t suffer by religions is happier than 300 crore people in the world population.


People who lives with their family are not aware of what is meant by suffer.


If you get pure water during thirst, you are blessed person.


If you enjoy the life by laughing, you are the happiest person .


If you get education and can able to see this blog means you are happier person than 80 crore of people in world population.


So guess who is the happiest person in the world.


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