Wednesday 20 May 2015

Congratz DIDI

He was two. She was ten. She played many games with him. She forgave many games for him. She took care like his own brother. She used to play scold him many times.

She lived near his house once upon a time. Fate and time played their game. Her family moved off for her dad's professional reasons. His family also moved for various personal reasons...

Time passed away. After many years her father came to his home to invite his family to her marriage function. He was in eager to meet her.

He could remember all the things except her face. Once again he saw his old photos.

It was at the time of her marriage. She came and settled down with bridegroom at the stage. He wanted to go to stage and introduce himself who he was. He was in doubt whether she remembered or not.

He decided to finish dinner. After dinner he slowly moved towards the stage. He saw her innocence. She smiled beautifully. Suddenly there appeared some hesitation on him. He said in his inner mind CONGRATZ DIDI...

He moved fastly towards road without meeting her.. Is it possible people are living with their childhood memories in this materialistic world.. Whose mistake is that..? Boy's mistake or fate's mistake..? 

I hope most of us had this experience..... thanks for reading this..


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