Monday 25 May 2015

Porn Addiction

 It is not awkward topic. It is needed topic to discuss particularly for parents who had teens.

PORN ADDICTION is the latest phrase which is frequently known by all teens. It means to addict for porn pictures and movies. In certain stage they are unable to control watching porn sites. They are enjoying themselves with porn pictures and images. It leads to psychological problems and severe impact on one child’s life. This is the highest peak position in porn addiction stage.

Addict to porn does not depend on gender, age etc. It is the most common to all. Most of the people overcome it and some of the people are can’t. it affects their whole life. It is hard to find porn addicted people because they are looking as normal and some of them are socially flexible. They are not making anything dangerous things to people or other children. The main reason for porn addiction is suffered sexually by some other believing person in childhood.

At first they are unable to identify their problem. Slowly they started to watch movies and images. They log on to many porn sites and became addicted. There is chance to make a big gap between them and social surroundings. There may chance to attain gap with their relationships.


1. They are always sitting near in front of computers. (for sites and chatting)

2. They became so nervous even in simple matters.

3. They start to quarrel with parents if they get disturbed by them.

4. They will get pleasure by showing organs to others. (Exhibitionism)

5. Health problems.

How to Overcome:

1. Keep busy always. There must not be anytime to thing about porn and dating sites.

2. Identify your separate skills and develop yourself.

3. Don’t be alone. Spend time with your friends and parents.

4. Give value to the relationships.

5. Give value to the opposite genders.
6. Spirituality is the better way to attain peace in mind.

7. By helping others.

            If you try to follow those things you can be a survivor. Another best solution is to contact psychologist in your city. He will give better solution for this common problem. No need to fear about this. This is the common for all humans. Some survives and some fell.


Note: This essay is mainly for parents.

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