Monday 25 May 2015

Russian Formalism - Basics

The Moscow Linguistic circle 1920's and 1930's is forefront of formalist criticism.

Some of them are Boris, Vitor Shklovsky, Roman Jackobson and Juri Tynayanov. Their main principles are as follows:

1. Poetry was a special function of language.

2. Literary analysis could be accurate.

3. It was possible to discover the underlying formulae or structures of literary texts by a study of its devices.

Shklovsky - De familiarization:

It is the process of looking ordinary things and familiar objects as different perspectives by the use of language.

The Prague school of structuralists:

Roman Jackobson - a Russian immigrant, was one of the central figures. The central tencent of the Prague School is 'language is a coherent system fulfilling the range of functions in society'

Roman Jackobson:

Selection and Combination are the two ways for language operation. His model is..

Referential (context)
Emotive (Addresser)    Poetic (message)     Conatative (Addresse) 
Phatic (contact)        
Meta lingual (code)  


                                                                        - to be continue...

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