Tuesday 23 June 2015

Cleanliness is next to godliness.

(Laborers with Mr.Prime Minister of India)

           Clean is an important word using by the most number of people now a days including our respectable prime minister. People must understand the definition and importance of being clean.

What is meant by clean?

It means keep our surroundings and our self as pure. It means to neglect dirty.

Why we know clean?

Man has six senses. Even some animals has some awareness regarding cleanliness. ( After passes pee dog pours sand into it) See some people they are peeing in public places. They doesn't care about genders during they do these things.

The shocking thing is this problem starts with educated people. Sometimes uneducated persons are more aware than literate persons. ( literate persons are the only reason for half of the crime in our country. It is not an exception) .

Our government also takes many steps regarding this (through many advertisements ).
It is not only the duty of government. It is the responsiblity of an individual person. Each and every citizen of India must respect our PM's (INDIA) words and try to make CLEAN BHARATH. It is the only way to avoid unnecessary hygenic problems. Thank you. JAI HINDH


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