Tuesday 15 December 2015

Home - Feminism through Indian marriage

In the last post I was dealt with marriage as a trade through the novel HOME by Manju Kapur. As far as I said this novel is a saga of Indian culture. Most of feminist perspectives are from Nisha's point of view. Not only Nisha's view. Feminist aspects are also from Nisha's mother and minor characters too. My primary focus is on Nisha because she is the victim of male chavinism.

1. As a human she has rights to choose his partner but Indian tradition doesn't allow.

2. Even though she is suffered from skin disease she is not neglect from her family but isolated.

3. Because of her love, she is suffered by needle of words from family and society.

4. In some aspects her love on him seems to be a kind of lust. To err is human. Parents duty is to correct her mistakes but to blame and hurt her.

5. Pinpoint on her is the reason for mental torture. She hates her life and she does n't want anyone. She often tries to isolate herself from others.

6. In marriage trade she acquired second wife stage for forty year fat person. Initially she allowed to do her own business but later because of male chauvinism she was forced to abort.

Thus the novel HOME by MANJU KAPUR is a picture of domestic survival but not commercial.

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