Sunday 13 December 2015

My Favourite lines from novels

Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you are not really losing it. You are just passing it on to someone else. - Mitch Albom ( Five People Meet You In Heaven)


There are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you separate a breeze from wind. - Mitch Albom ( Five People Meet You In Heaven)


Man likes to run from God. - Mitch Albom (Have a Little Faith)


One had to accept what was given and the faster one did that, the less one suffered.
- Manju Kapur (Home)


Even God will fail at our (India) government offices. - Anonymous book


When you want to achieve something, the whole universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.
- Paulo Coelho ((Alchemist)


A woman's guess is much more accurate than a man's certainly - Rudyard Kipling


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