Sunday 15 May 2016

The passionate shepherd to his love

This attempt is to bring out various perspectives of traditional love. The passionate shepherd to his love is country poem by Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593). He was an English dramatist and poet, probably the greatest English dramatist before Shakespeare.

What makes this poem so special?

1. The first thing is, pastoral elements. He gives beautiful description on country love which is so pure and better than court love.

2. The theme of the poem is carpe diem. It means 'seize the day'.

3. The final thing is the mixture of erotic elements. The author pleads his ladylove to enjot the present moment without any fail.

It may be a court love or country love, the thing is ladylove presented as a prostitute in this poem. Men give money to them for seeking sexual pleasure. Here, the ready to bribe some precious things like a pretty gown, a belt made of straw and ivy, slippers made of pure gold. He adds that if these things are touch your heart, come with me and be my love. The same thing happens in prostitution.
Sometimes in martial life too.

Do you think that shepherd's love is true? Did she accept the offer? 

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