Thursday 5 May 2016

Tuesdays with Morrie Part -4 American Literature and its themes


The strategy of American literature varies from sixteenth century to
twentieth century. Every century has its own motives. For example, classical
literature deals with religious, social and cultural concerns of colonial life.
Some authors focus on Native Americans and some on settlers. Later, the
American literature started to focus on separate identities, lack of their culture,
expansion of English colonies, and dominance of puritan culture and so on. In
the contemporary period, memoirs and fiction play vital roles more than plays.


The American Dream 

              It is the set of idols, dealing with rights, democracy, liberty,
opportunity and equality. According to its followers, life should be better and
richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or
achievement, regardless of social class or circumstances of birth.

The Development and Image of the Hero
To fulfil their dream, the image of hero is needed. Through the hero
image, they try to achieve their dreams. 

The Meaning of Freedom 

Freedom implies the liberty to do whatever a person wants. Mike Treder
says, “Freedom stands for something greater than just the right to act however I
choose—it also stands for securing to everyone an equal opportunity for life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” (Web).


          People are varied from one another. Individuality is the major reason for
this variation. If there is loss of individuality, there will be real death of

Death and How to Deal With It

          People hesitate to accept the reality which is called as death. They have
to accept as they accept birth.

Human Relationship and Family

Americans do not have proper culture and family. Most of them are
settlers from various countries. They long for human relationship and culture. 
Among the themes mentioned above, love, family, individuality and
relationship are the major themes of contemporary American literature. Writers
of American literature believe that human relationship can be maintained
through care and emotions. 

Ref: Various Websites.

                                                          -to be continued....

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