Friday 10 June 2016

The Reality in OPPORTUNITY

Hi buddies, the word OPPORTUNITY is always trending in this competitive world. You may hear use opportunities or you may hear the advice from elders or from the motivational speakers "do not wait for opportunity. create opportunity". I does not believe in so called "creating opportunity".

One may have talents, it may wastes by not getting apt opportunity. The people who are intellectuals are maximum used their opportunity. One person can create opportunity who is RICHIE RICH. Otherwise normal people are unable to create.

Let it take this way... develop your skills in your profession, just wait , sit back & relax for the opportunity. A person who is not use his opportunity is the real foolish but not creator. This is not a movie by just like this creating opportunity. It can be happen in a step by step process. He can use his situation for their favor time ( Here, adapting the situation. It may called as creating opportunity). Whatever, using or creating ... this is the reality in opportunity. Keep update your skills and wait like a lion for his prey.


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