Monday 6 February 2017


Journalism plays an eminent role in shaping the society. People believe in newspapers and they are blindly believe that whatever the journalist conveys is news. The situation is changed today. people started to think in 360 degrees on a single news. A kind of awareness is spreading in the current scenario. So, all the newspapers are converting into detective journalism. It makes major contribution to the society.

Social media such as whats app, facebook, hike, messaging apps etc helps to convey messages. In this digitalized world passing messages has become very easy through social media. We can share images, files and videos within a few seconds. Everything in the world contains bad face and good face. the example for lighter side of social media is our honourable prime minister is keeping contact with people through twiingtter and facebook. It helps to find what are the steps taken by government on an issue.

The example for bad face is RUMOURS. It creates several problems and it leads to law and order deficiency. We are using hi speed network. So it can easily spread at the speed of light. There are several chances for misusing social media by creating fake Id's. Sometimes even government cannot find who are responsible for such rumours. We have to stop misusing social media and we have to make restrictions. It must be an organised through these necessary measures.

Saturday 4 February 2017

Resident Evil - The Final Chapter first day review

Resident evil is the another master piece from Paul W.S.Anderson collaborated with our all time favorite Milla. The plot is simple. Alice was informed by Red Queen that anti-virus was found by the same umbrella corporation who was also responsible for T-virus. Red Queen instructed Alice to save the world. Initially Alice regretted RQ's words but later she accepted the challenge to make full stop for the apocalyptic happenings. On her way she found suitable warriors as her friends and shocking truth about her past and future.

As usual it is based on survivor video game. It is unavoidable that movie is like simply a game play that we are usually watching in you tube.The whole movie is burdened on a single person Alice. She is the only reason for the movie's survival for 1.45 minutes. Her screen presence is awesome. Audience can realize her dedication and hard work when they are watching her action sequences. visual effects plays pivotal role and they are at their Everest when they are showing damaged cities, zombies and war scenes. This final chapter survives because of the visual effects and the character Alice.

The movie lacks in screenplay. People are started to fiddle their phones in the middle of film. The director does not care for screenplay simply he believes Milla is enough to cover the whole film. I have to register one more thing that the bullet sounds throughout the film seems irritating. There is missing of rocking theme music and usual slow motion fight scene with zombie monsters. This is another major drawback. The first forty minutes and the last twenty minutes are in jet speed and the film ends with unexpected twist. The surprise triple blast (relationship between the red queen, Alice and an old lady) and poetic ending makes audience to forget all the negative aspects of the film.

Overall, Resident Evil The Final Chapter is satisfied film and it is worth to watch.

IMDB 6.3/10
Rotten tomatoes 34%

My Rating is 5.5/10