Friday 16 March 2018

Origin-Dan Brown's book Review

Where do we come from? 

Where are we going?

Who we are?

          If you want to know the answers for these questions you must read Dan Brown's Origin. Dan Brown is famous for masterpiece narrative thrillers. His novels must contain the heart stopping twists and turns.

          In his controversial novel The Davinci Code he have raised some questions on christianity. We have already knew that the issues arisen. Dan Brown's each and every book is a unique masterpiece by their own way.

          Generally Dan Brown's work is a kind of prophecy. Most his thoughts, theories and his justifications are possible on future. His novel Inferno deals with bio-war. His Angels and Demons deals with religious issues.

          His Origin deals with techno-war. I do not want to write any spoilers in this article. So I skip the comments on plot. Once again Brown used the character Professor Robert Langdon as his protagonist. Robert Langdon is famous character for breaking codes. His code breaking techniques are genius in nature.

          Breaking codes is one of the techniques used by Dan Brown to create movable plot. I think that's the reason for employing the character Langdon for all his novel. The differnet incidents in various places in plots are described without any confusion. It would be more effective if we watch it in a visual.

          I do not read his work Inferno but it is not much effective when I have watched in a movie version. I hope this would be more effective in the movie form. The novel portrays the impact on technology over biology. There may be uncleared scientific theories and justifications but it is not spoiled the plot. Once again Dan Brown proved that he is  a master of prophet and this prophecy is possible in future. If you want to know the prophecy in origin you have to read the novel. No spoilers here.
Good reads 3.5/5
Google users 89%
My reading scale 7/10


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good review brother. It's a complicate story could nt understand in first reading. The story revolves around Christianity.... Next to brave new world by Aldous Huxley
