Saturday 24 March 2018

Waste book

Did you notice the FACEBOOK logo?

 Facebook- 'f'

Unfortunately my mind compares this logo with human. What we are doing using mobile? Simply we are looking on our phone. Like this logo 'f'. Humans become laid down their head like 'f'.

People are interested in using social media. This is an era of knowledge. We are thirst for knowledge and we want to update ourself regularly. Social media is one of the keys to update ourself. We do not know about the percentage of realiblity.

Several negative rumours are spreading till now for anti country people. Those rumours destroy peace of a country. After the arrival of FB and WATS APP tge rumours become common thing.

You may receive messages like this...

A child have been missing from march 2... So and so..

Emergency AB- blood needed... These messages fools innocent people who are ready to help anytime. They become stressed after they come to know that it is a fake news.

So please try to avoid spreading fake news like this. Atleast it will not fool the people who is having helping tendency. This thing is within our hands only.


  1. Bro, this one is a serious issue. In fact an irritating one.people are so much so addicted to forwarded message that they forward stuffs that are way too stupid and unimaginably foolish. Recently in WhatsApp I received a pic in which a private college in Coimbatore warned girl students not to imitate like the wink scene of a recent viral movie song. It was actually a fake post. And the first thing I went through was the structure of the sentences. It's readily visible that was an edited message. Also the date in which the pic was mentioned was long before the release date of the song. Later in a newspaper the article published by the college ofdicials explaining the hoax news. It was a prank by students. Well they are fools, Atleast the ones who receive such messages should have the intellect to read twice before forwarding. Read and forward any such messages or else don't ready.

    1. Everyone has this experience sister. We have to be careful before we leap

  2. I feel agitated while seeing all this. But satisfied on the fact that we are keeping an eye on such atrocities and not committing the mistake of forwarding wrong texts

    1. The thing is we cant categorise which is real, which is fake.. If it is real... What will happen ignored message is real?? It is hard and terrible to digest

  3. This is happening from the emergenc of these social networks. But now,they have become more wild by tagging a influencing line like"share if you're a true Indians".This is really stupid. Even after the arrival of various informative messages reg this issue,most of the people just forwarded it and not changed themselves. That is the worst part.

    1. Yes.. Some people misuse it and they are using it for time pass or their entertainment.. Simply they are called as psychos
