Sunday 20 May 2018

Exam (2009) - Review

I know this post is too late to post. Recently I have happened to watch the movie EXAM which was released in the year 2009. Even though it is an old one, it induced me to write a review.

A reputed company's CEO tries to hire a perfect candidate who can manage any critical situation as his assistant. Eight candidates are selected for final round. Exam duration is eighty minutes. Each has given a paper and a pencil. There is only one question and only one answer. After the exam start the candidates are shocked because there is no question. So, what's next??

Are they find question and are they get appointed? Watch it if you want to know. No more spoilers here.

As a movie critic I have to salute the director for this simple story line. The director perfectly executed what he wants. Every characters are unique by their acting and apt body language. The background music gives more score for this thriller. This is a different type of thriller movie which cannot be categorised as crime thriller, fantasy thriller... Etc.

If you get chance do not miss this thriller entertainment.

IMDB 6.4/10
Sharkz scale 6/10

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