Saturday 27 April 2019

Avengers- Endgame Review

Avengers: Endgame is an one and only box office of this year. It is really a marvellous movie from marvel. I do not want to spoil the Endgame. Let's talk about the other aspects.

Why the Endgame is special?
The major difference between Endgame and the other Marvel movies are their emotional connection. They try to destroy Thanos in the Endgame with the background of super heroes' emotional perspectives.

There is no post credit scene in this film which is considered as slight disappointment. Overall the film gives an awesome experience and worth to spend time and money for this summer.

IMDB 9.2/10
Rotten Tomatoes 96%
Sharkz Scale 9/10

Wednesday 24 April 2019

The Curse of a Weeping Woman- An Honest Review

The Curse of a Weeping Woman is an another horror from the producer/director James Wan(well-known for The Conjuring). As usual it is based on true events. The film has a space to fire horror rocket but the director is satisfied by firing match box.

A woman in Los Angeles start to hunt children. After few years she makes her mark among two children and their mother tries to save her children and she is ready to do anything to protect them. Her only hope is a priest from the church. Then what.. The priest helps them and protect the family from La Llorona.

The movie contains all the necessary elements and the different plot for a horror story. But they have wasted the plot. Even though there are jumping scary movements here and there but it is predictable for regular movie goers. The movie raises in the climax but suddenly it is ended. There are several logic mistakes and it can easily identified by even normal audience.

Anyway The Curse of a Weeping Woman makes you engaged for an 90mins and it is one time watchable. Apart from this, there is nothing. Overall.. It is watchable for a time.

Rotten Tomatoes 32%
Sharkz scale 5/10

What's your choice of Reading for this world book day?

The World Book Day and The Copyright day have been celebrated on April 23 every year. It is also a birth date for Shakespeare, Vladimir Nabokov, Josep Pla and Manuel Mejía Vallejo. So, April 23rd is the special day for the world literature and the book lovers. In this day, I have conducted a small survey on Youth's choice of reading. Here are the list of books and the reasons for their choice. The list is based on my circle and surroundings.

1. The Girl Who Knew Too Much by Vikrant Khanna

Reason: A friend of mine bought that and it s a fantasy.

2. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Reason: It's a life changing book.

3. The Idiot by Elif Batuman

Reason: The protagonist is a literature student and a ESL teacher.. through her we can learn about fiction, movies, linguistics, etc.

4. Around the world in eighty days by Julian Vernes

Reason: I've learnt that we have to cherish the present moment.We have to go with the flow instead of being so much so methodical in whatever we look. for. The protoganist in the novel is very calculative and methodical in his approach towards his life.As a result, he fails to enjoy the life..He won't do any fruitful things either to him or to the society. We must go with the flow of life. The more we are systematical the greater our chance to become far from the nature and practicality.

5. Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens

Reason: It depicts the relationship between the rich and poor. Especially love not because of money or lust

6. When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanidhi

Reason: It is raw

7. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

Reason: Because of its Language and Narrative style.

8. The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy

Reason: It describes that life is a circle. One, who wins, may lose sometimes. Failures will make us stronger

9. What Lies Between Us by Nayomi Munaveera

Reason: Felt like reflection of my life. I cried and laughed with it. It created a sense of belonging.

10. My professor's choice is Animal Farm by George Orwell.

11. Some people's choice is David Copperfield and Dracula.

12. My personal choice is to read Agatha Christie's works. I like And Then There Were None.

Reason: Most of the times people who committed terrific crimes are punished. The main reason for committing big crimes is minor mistake due to laziness or small things. This novel says even that kind of people also would be punished. But, there is no Hercule Poirot in this crime thriller.

Hey.. where are you going?? Oh! to buy these books... Ha.. Ha.. So nice of you..
Have a happy reading