Thursday 30 May 2019

Godzilla 2: The King of Monsters

The king of monsters is a sequel to Godzilla (2014). It is a separate cinematic universe like Marvel and DC. We have to understand the timeline of this monstrous universe.  The first movie is Godzilla(2014), then Kong: The Skull Island (prequel to godzilla) and now its The King of Monsters.

As usual Godzilla helps people to win over an alien monster MONSTER ZERO and he becomes the king. The next sequel is between Kong and Godzilla and it is titled as God vs King.
This sequel receives 50-50 positive and negative comments among movie critics.

There is only VFX in the entire movie and it seems like artificial in many places. The climax war between Godzilla and Monster Zero is really a disappointment and it seems like Tekken Video game... Round 1... Fight...

There is no proper explanation for the logical question that why Godzilla always stands human side from the ancient times. As usual, there is no injuries or harm for hero and family. As usual, Godzilla wins and there is an end credit scene which leads to the sequel Kong vs Godzilla.

The BGM and VFX gives life for this film. The actors give their best in front of green mat. Michael Doughrety must try the new things and come up with creative ideas for his next sequel. All are as usual and nothing is unusual. These usual things are the major drawback. Pacific-Rim is better than this sequel.

Overall the film is guarenteed entertainment for two hours if you do not know what to do for this weekend. Worth to watch in theatres.

IMDB 7.4/10
RT 54%
Sharkz Scale 5.5/10

This is the seventy fifth movie on Godzilla and comment your favourite movie in comment section.

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