Friday 31 May 2019

Pet Sematary (2019)- Review

Pet Sematary is a terrific novel from the hands of Stephen King, the king of horror writer. It is adapted as a film with the same title and absolutely it is a terrified one.

Dr.Louis's family relocate to a rural place and they have found horrible burial place behind their home. The semetary is filled with horror. If a person is buried on that sand, he/she will come back as an evil. The mystical chain reaction starts with the death of his cat.

Only Stephen King can write an unexpected terrific climax for these type of film. As usual, the BGM is two hundred percent perfect and it makes the horrible situation in a live manner. The film ends with the lead to sequel.

The character of El, Rachel and even the cat were given equal importance. Even the cat  gives horror feeling in this film. This is where the success lies on director's hat. Hats off to the whole team and this is the best movie version from Stepen King's adaptation after IT.

Overall the film is awesome. The unusual story and plot give a successful flower to the director. A satisfied and terrific horror.

IMDB 6/10
Sharkz scale 7/10

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