Friday 17 May 2019

Valentine: The Dark Avenger- A super hero movie review

Valentine: The Dark Avenger is an Indonesian Super Hero movie by Skylark Comics. It is an new era in super hero genre which contains simplicity. Unlike Marvel and DC it does not contain heroism, high budget etc. It is a simple super hero movie in a short duration.

Batavia is a beautiful city but it is no longer safe. Crime rate is gradually increase and people become more selfish. Mathew settle wants to give hope to the city and he chooses a simple girl from cafe for his dream Valentine project. She is the girl who mastered in martial arts.

People start to get hope from this new super hero. As usual the antagonist The Shadow enters into Batavia city and the quarrel goes on. The reason major success for the film is climax twist and an answer for her dad's murder.

The movie concept reminds some blockbuster films like Hancock, The Batman etc. It has some similarities with the elements of DC comics. But these comparisons are unavoidable.

It is an only superhero movie which has less number of vfx. The action blocks are based on martial arts so the action sequences are reliable.
If the Skylark comics comes up with better storyline or something more unique (already this film contains new concept) The Valentine cannot be neglected in the super hero genre. Over all the film is so simple and it is worth to spend time for 97 minutes.

IMDB 6.2/10

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