Friday 23 August 2019

Sextuplets- An Honest Review

Mr. Alan discovers that he has five siblings that he never met before. He decides to meet his siblings and wants to reconcile with his family. He also wants to make a good impression to his father-in-law who always gives more importance to his family. The ONLY funniest thing is all the characters are played by Marlon Wayans, the producer and the writer of this film.

Marlon Wayans deserves a little claps for this try. The introduction of the characters are enjoyable but it seems irritating after a few minutes. Marlon fills the entire screen and the movie becomes monotonous. But he tries his best to make the film fun. The tragedy is that the film becomes a fun and disaster.

There is no depth in the character design. No depth in the screenplay and fun scenes. The audience seems not quitely enjoyed. The another important thing is a mild satirical elements on American Culture and tradition. He try to mock their culture but an ineffective dialogues and scenes made worse. Other actors give their enough performance for this story.

Michel Tiddies, the director and John Debney, the music director give their best enough for this average film. They try to save the entire film but unfortunately the week screenplay acts as a great wall to pacify it. Overall, the film is a family entertainment with least amount of fun with dull scenes. The film misses the wonderful opportunity to insert bursting comedies. Instead they mildly walk on the platform.

Imdb 4.4/10
Rotten Tomatoes 24%
Sharkz scale 5/10

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