Friday 18 October 2019

Zombieland 2: Doubletap - Zombieverse Review

Zombieland 2: Doubletap is a pretty funny sequel to the film Zombieland. Actually, greetings to the Zombieverse. The plot is just a dew drop but they suceeded by their funny and satiric actions. Many scenes are worked out well.

Once again Woody Harrelson rocks and he proved that no one will gonna fit for this role. He cracked fireworks in the theatre.

Jessie and Zoey give their matured acting in a pretty funny way (their characters). They are at the best when it is compared to first part. The very opening of columbia picture emblem itself get applause and it progresses until the post-credit scene.

The BGM is extraordinary. They hit each and every ball into the boundaries. Hats-off to the screenplay writer and the director. The film deserves to be watched.

Imdb 7.3/10
Sharkz scale 7/10

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