Sunday 29 December 2019

The Silent Patient - Book Review (no spoilers)

The Silent Patient is a brilliant psychological thriller by Alex Michaelides. It is the story of art, trauma, love, affair and betrayal. The plot is simple and it becomes a page turner by his narration.

Unpredictablity is the key for a successfull thriller. Mr.Alex have done well. Even, the type of narration can be identified at the last part of this novel. Alex succeeds in holding the attention of the readers. Really, The Silent Patient is a page turner like A.J.Finn's novel.

His experience as a screen writer also helped him a lot. He knows how to present a story in a different way. This novel is adapted for screen presence but I think there is no need to adapt. The writing already gave the screen experience and it is effective. Overall, The Silent Patient will make you read silent till the end.

Good reads 4.1/5
Bibliophile 3.5/5
Sharkz scale 3.5/5

Friday 27 December 2019

I Am Mother - A Netflix Movie review

I am Mother is a Netflix movie and it is about the relationship between a droid mother and human daughter. It is a movie of surprising theme with an unexpected ending from the director Grant Sputore. Droids want to re-populate Earth by creating perfect humans. The driod randomly chooses a female specimen and raises by its own. Unfortunately, the droid has grown secret bond with her daughter.

The girl finds out the truth by an unknown stranger. The girl loses faith on droid mother and the controversy arises. Micheal Lloyd Green's screenplay makes the movie much stronger in all aspects. There are only three characters throughtout the film. But it is not boaring or lagging in any portion. I am thinking it might be possible in future.

There are several questions are arised when I have watched this film.
1. Who are these Droids?
2. Whose order is this?
3. What is the background of the stranger?
4. How can a droid develop a bond with her human daughter?

This movie ended with these unanswered questions. Even though it is unanswered the movie keeps us engaging and it is nail biting.
The director chooses a simple one line and he make it complete with little bit of unaswered questions.

Overall the film is effective and it makes us to think about the future. Worth to spend time with your family.

Imdb 6.8/10
Sharkz scale 6/10

Tuesday 17 December 2019

Jumanji: The Next Level - Movie Review

     Jumanji: The Next Level is surprisingly funny and witty sequel due to Dwayne Johnson's extra-ordinary performance. The pattern is same as previous one but they made few changes in the screenplay.

     There is scope for less action but more
space for fun. The director keeps engage audience via the talent of pun. They made a few changes in selection of avatar and its weakness . There is no explanation for how the game is upgraded.

     The predictablity, simple climax and little action blocks are the weaknesses of this film. This weaknesses are balanced via grandpa characters. Every one give their best.

     Overall the sequel rises several logical questions but it is given as proper commercial entertainment. It is worth to watch in theatres.

Imdb 7/10
R.tomatoes 69%
Sharkz Scale 6/10