Thursday 4 June 2020

The Cabin in the Woods (2011) - Review

The Cabin in the Woods is a horror movie directed by Drew Goddard. Five friends are happened to visit a forest house. They are started to be killed by the army of nightmares. They try to reveal the mysteries and this lead to horrible truth.

They simply changed the concept of TV REALITY SHOW into RITUAL. Thus, the movie upgraded into another level. It is the combination of sci-fic, mystery, horror and super natural thriller.

The underground horror expriments are unimaginable and it is a fine twist. They should have given more importance to Chris Hemsworth's character. Simply, they have wasted him.

Initially, it seems an usual horror movie like group of friends would try to escape from a murderer. Then, the level of the plot is changed after they have found out the army of nightmares.

Overall, The Cabin in the Woods is an unrated unique horrible horror and it wirth to spend your time with adults in your family.

Imdb 7/10
Sharkz scale 6/10

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