Tuesday 5 January 2021

Wonder Woman (1984)- A DC Superhero Movie Review

 Wonder Woman 1984 is a marvellous movie from DC universe. As usual, it is a typical super hero movie directed by Patty Jenkins. The movie tries to teach achieve anything in an honest way. The movie talks about how to overcome greed and become an honest man. This story line becomes more as an advice and it become over sweet. Later part of the movie proves the proverb SWEETS ARE THE USES OF ADVERSITY. Over advice makes this film as normal super hero movie and it is a major drawback.

The first half an hour is awesome and there is no words to describe the cinematography. The introduction of Wonder Woman is also a good part. These introduction scenes create higher expectation for remaining movie and it fails to satisfy the audience. This is the major cause for the failure of this screenplay.

Gal Gadot is a sole survivor of this film. Like prequel, she carries the whole movie till the end. The return of Steve Trevour is an excellent idea and the villianious characterisation of Maxwell Lord is quite different. Apart from these few things movie fails to satisfy the craze of the audience. Graphics also just an average in few scenes.

Overall, Wonder Woman 1984 is worth to watch with your family but it is not fully satisfied one.

IMDB 5.3/10


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