Wednesday 21 July 2021

Russian Doll (2019) - A Netflix Sci-fi Series Review

Russian Doll (2019) is a sci-fi series from Netflix. The middle-age girl Nadia trapped in a mysterious time loop. It has happend at her birthday. From her birthday, every night she dies and awakes the next day daily.

We have seen many movies with this concept like Happy Death Day and Happy Death Day 2, The Triangle etc., But as a series, it is a fresh one. There are many risks as series in this concept.

For example, if we take a movie with the time-loop concept, the same scenes will be repeated for few times only. If this is taken as series, the same scenes will be repeated by inifinte times untill the end. Suppose, the season one has ten episodes, the scenes had to be repeated for atleast ten times. This is the major risk in this concept.

Russian Doll has not given space for this major drawback and the writers of the show nailed this lackness.  There are six writers and they are aware of this problem. Hats off to their creation.

But there is an another drawback which is the nature of the script and it is unavoidable. There is little bit of lag through the series but it is happened here and there only. The actors' contributions are good and they are given the needed performance.

Overall, Russian Doll is a engaging but not great  thing like movie material. It is worth to watch. 

Imdb 7.9/10

Sharkz Scale 6/10

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