Friday 2 July 2021

The Tomorrow War (2021) - Movie Review

 The Tomorrow War (2021) is a sci-fi action movie. We have been watching several alien movies since Alien (1979). If we watch Alien (1979), still it gives goosebumps for us. this is because of the concept and screenplay. Let's see how The Tomorrow War is?

A troop of army comes from thirty years future. They ask for help from current military. Chris Patt also joins with the army and he travels to future to save his daughter. The movie answers whether the humans win the war or not?

As I have said earlier, we have seen several blockbuster alien movies like Alien, The Independence Day, After Earth, Alien VS Predator, The Predator etc. These movies are strong in technical aspects and also in plot and screenplay. So, that we cannot find anything new in the movie The Tomorrow war (2021) except the war that happens in the future.

The only new thing is time travel. The relationship between the hero and his daughter is worked out well. This is also another main reason to grab the audience till the end.

The predictablity of the scenes and tiring alien scenes are the major drawbacks. Lorane Balfe's average background score adds as a kind of positive element in this film. We hope that Chris Mckay will come up with another meaningful movie in the future. 

Overall, The Tomorrow War is not a worst movie but it is one time watchable if you want to pass the time.

Imdb 7/10

Sharkz Scale 6/10

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