Friday 13 August 2021

BrandNew Cherry Flavor (18+) - A Netflix Scary Series Review

 BrandNew Cherry Flavor is a horror and scary series streaming in Netflix. It is based on the novel with the same name Todd Grimson. It is created for television by  Nick Antosca and Lenore Zion. It is starred by Rosa SalazarCatherine KeenerEric LangeManny Jacinto and Jeff Ward.

It is the series about blood, sex, revenge and black things. Lou, a famous director steal Lisa's horror short film into big screen he also tries to misbehave with her. With furious anger Lisa decides to take revenge on Lou. She goes to a mysterious lady and tell about her decision. The mysterious lady agrees to help her. Thus the turn of the events begin.

the politics in the Hollywood is portrayed well in the beginning. The best thing is the story starts from the very beginning and also they show the development of the characters. Rosa's acting is good and all other characters give their best. I hope there are several twists and turns are waiting for us. 

Overall, BrandNew Cherry Flavor is an engaging series and the first season contains eight episodes and it is worth to


IMDB 6.8/10

Sharkz Scale 7/10

Suicide Squad (2021) - An Honest Review

 Suicide Squad (2021) is a sequel to the movie 2016. Personally, I do not feel positive about this movie after this much of hype. May be this overhype causes some kind of unsatisfactory. Literally, I have fallen asleep for quite sometime while I watched this film. I do not know why this have made this kind of incomplete movie. Let's go for review.

The head Amada forms a new squad by DC antagonists. She and her team tries to find out the secret star-fish project which is ready to destroy the world. Guess what? The Squad has went on this mission and attain success. The story is as same as the prequel 2016. Other than Harley Quinn and The Peacemaker, nothing seems to worthy elements.

The characters are very weak and the depth and details are missing. All elements in this film are in bits and pieces. Several details are missing. The Ratcatcher's flashback is good but it makes slow down the monotonous screenplay. The graphics quality is very disappointing and BGM is the only hope to save the film.

I hope the sequel will be good and engaged as Suicide Squad (2016). I do not know why this film has 7.5/10 rating in IMDB. Overall, Suicide Squad (2021) is one time watchable if you are not watched its prequel.

Sharkz Scale 5/10