Monday 31 January 2022

The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window- A Netflix Miniseries Review

          The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window is an another psychological thriller from Netflix platform. 

          Anna's child Emma had murdered by the serial killer. She became an alcoholic and often she had experienced hallucinations. On that time, she witnessed Lisa's murder but she seemed alive. 

           The remaining part explores whether Lisa is really murdered or not and what Anna witnessed is real or not. Kristen Bell is the sole performer and she carries the whole series on her shoulder.

           Each episode runs for 25minutes . First two episodes seem slow then latter episodes give curiosity to know what happened. The little twists here and there is good and it makes a good entertaining series. This series is a good team work and it is a grand success.

           Overall, The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window is an engaging dark psychological thriller and it is worth to watch.

Imdb 6.4/10

Sharkz Scale 6/10

Saturday 29 January 2022

All of Us are Dead- A Netflix Zombie Series Review

           We have seen several zombie series and movies. All zombie movies deal with the same plot. The Korean drama All of Us are Dead deals with the same. But the special thing about this series is Korean nationality. 

            The Korean industry has some quality in making movies. They have world level market. Once again, they have proved through this series. In All of Us are Dead, bunch of students are trapped in the school in the midst of zombie students.

            They do not have much chance to escape. Few students have survived and they try to escape  from the school. The season one has twelve episodes. 

           Unlike other zombie movies/series it has branches of sub stories. This is both the plus and minus points. Often, the zombie chasing scenes seem as videi game walk through. The making is excellent and VFX is good.

           All of Us are Dead is another hit- hot series and no wonder it will become a trending one in Netflix platform. Overall, All of Us are Dead is usual zombie walk through with branches of stories and it gives guarenteed entertainment.

IMDB 7.7/10

Sharkz Scale 6.5/10