Saturday 23 December 2023

GHOUL- A Netflix Horror Series Review

                    Ghoul is an Indian horror Sci-fi fantasy mini-series by Patrick Graham. The word 'Ghoul' denotes devil. We have seen several horror movies and series, but the difference is that it is military based horror genre. Rahim reported to police that her father was a traitor. The police arrested her father and Rahim was given as opportunity to work as interrogative officer before she had completed her training period. Meanwhile, Rahim took in charge on a military base and also tried to figure out what happened to her father. 

                    The advantage of the series is the slow burning plot and transformation of tone in the picture. The cinematography is well suited, and it helps to maintain the colour of horror. Radhika Apte is onw and only sole performer and she shoulders the whole series. The story starts slowly and it begins its gear with an unexpected end.

                    Another advantage of the series is unpredictability. we cannot say whether it is a zombie or thriller or ghost film until the final episode. A military base, prisoners, few commanders and an unknown thing is a perfect way to cook a thriller series. Technically the series is strong. There are few negatives like screenplay lagging in few areas, but it is managed to entertain till the end.

                    Overall, Ghoul is engaging, gripping and entertaining thriller and it is definitely worth to watch.

Imdb 7/10

Sharkz Scale 6.5/10


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