Saturday 14 March 2015

Road to Sucess

The vocabulary success means not to achieve goal, it means to create goal. Goal means which is the aim of life and hard to get it. General goal of man must be not to hurt others by physically or mentally. The real success is counted that you are living in the hearts of other people.

The two eyes of success are

1.                 Water clarity

Make others happy & lovable adjustments

Success is not about how you lead. It’s your life. The address for success is  hard work. There is a proverb called hard work never fails.

Try try try again. This will lead to success. Be patience and quiet. Get love and reflect it. Get success.

If you has qualification and hard work the success will come to your home.

Written by MANIMARAN, Coimbatore. (TAMIL)
Translated by M.KARTHICK.

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