Thursday 11 June 2015

The Lost Story - Allusion & Reality

Once i happened to read THE LOST STORY (fiction) by Amit Goyal, an Indian writer. The attractive thing regarding book was the cover page and title. How the story could be lost?

The novel is about two writers collaboration for new work.Simply it is a collection of short stories like. One half of story by Saleem and another half by Sandy , an young writer. Even though it seemed as short stories it is important content for this novel. This act as sub Plots for this novel.

The story of Nitin was the major one which thrilled me. There were variety of stories like super hero etc. There was a suspense at every story and full of twists and turns. This is the main collection of stories.

Psycho analysis :  There was conflict between imagination and allusion. The author in this novel made analytic study on his characters created by him. It was the beauty of the novel. He talked to his characters (like if Shakespeare talks to his Othello). This created the eagerness and thrill towards the readers. Every episode of novel kept reader's interest to read the next page. Another thing I noted was he used Indian mythological names for his characters (Raku, Ketu etc). It might be the characters by the saleem/sandy is the deep reflection of their real characters. There is a "twisting technique" between allusion and reality was used by the author. The last part to attempt to find THE LOST STORY was superior to all other parts in the novel. The author used Omniscient narrative technique towards this novel.

THE LOST STORY is never LOST.....

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