Friday 19 June 2015

What’s app laughter?

A bus full of housewives going on a picnic, fell into a river, all died. Each husband continued cried for a week, one husband continued for more than two weeks!!!
When asked that did he miss his wife so much? He replied: No, my wife missed the bus.

In heaven God told all husbands and wives to gather for a meeting! He told the men to satnd in two queues…
Those who are controlled by their wives & those who control their wives!
Only one man stood in the second queue.. God said, “so you control your wife?”
Man: Are you crazy? My wife told me to stand here”

A junior in office dialed his boss’s extension by mistake & said: Hey, send a coffee to my cabin within two minutes.
Boss shouted: Do you know whom you are talking to? I’m the boss…
JR: (in same tone) do you know whom you are talking to?
Boss: NO
JR: THANK GOD (&disconnected)

If web stores start matrimonial services they will become number one site in the world because they have a 30 day return policy no questions asked.

A Chinese man married an African woman and had a child. Two months later the child passed away.
At funeral house, the African woman kept sobbing and saying: “I knew it! I knew it!!!”
A family member pulled her aside and asked: “what did you know?’
She replied: “Chinese products don’t last long!!”

Thanks for spending your valuable time to read this. KEEP SMILING AND BE HAPPY

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