Wednesday 15 July 2015

The Face Of India

The scientist is doing his job sincerely. He is asking permission to boss that he needs to go home one hour earlier. He promises to his children to take to exhibition on that day. His boss scientist gives permission. The scientist becomes happy and continues with his work.

He gets more interest in job and forgets the time. The time passes to 8.30 pm. Suddenly he realized the promise and goes home in a hurried manner. He is filled with fear. He forgets the promise. He can’t imagine what will be his children’s reaction.

He arrives home and asking his wife, “Where is our children?”

Wife replied, “Your boss came and went exhibition with our children.”

He becomes shocked and tears filled in his eyes. The boss scientist doesn’t want to disturb his concentration but at the same time he wants to protect that scientist’s promise. So, he came and went with children.

Do you know that beautiful and pure hearted scientist’s name???

He is none other than THE FACE OF INDIA Dr.A.P.J. ABDUL KALAM (Former President Of India)

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