Monday 17 August 2015

The Real Humans

Once I was happened to travel in train. I was reading a book without caring my co-travellers. I am lost at the thoughts of ARAVIND ADIGA. I heared noise of  metal sound. I turned on the side and saw a Transgender begging for money from fellow travellers. Mr fellow travellers gave a rupee/something which I couldn't recognize.

I gave a ten rupee note. Within a second, she returned four rupees to me.

I said, "keep it yourself"

She replied, "six rupees is enough for me. God bless you my child.."

I saw kindness and gratitude at a same time. First time in my life I saw a person who didn't need of more money. How many of us think like that? Till now most of us didn't give respect to transgenders.

In fact they are the real human who are living without greed manner.


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