Saturday 3 October 2015


     Nature is essential for the world and it is a boon to the universe. Nature is kind in its manner. It does not expect anything in return. In this mechanical, modernised world, it becomes violent because of our attitude and behaviour. Humans are selfish and are ready to destroy the Gos's boon for the sake of money. This symbolises that the world has become materialized. There are many media to establish the importance of nature. Movies are playing vital role in that. They capure greenish things by the hands of human and release. There are some other movies which explore the other side of nature. It acts as well as plays villain role in movies.

     We are living in a materialized world. In this modernised world, people have become selfish. They do not care about other things. As people have become selfish, nature has become selfish, too.
     Here, I have mathematical calculation to illustrate the relationship betweem humans and nature. The selfishness of humans is diretly proportional to the selfishness of nature. Generally in movies, any happy situation is depicted through nature-related things. The movie 'Sound of music' is the best example. In literature, nature is used to portray or symbolise romantic things, or is used to give pleasure for human feelings. Nature represents human emotions.

     In a few movies, nature is employed as one of the characters. One example is the tamil movie Peranmai. In this movie, the other characters use natural resources to protect themselves. There is also another side of nature which we can't tolerate. One good example is the English movie Apocalypto. In this movie, hidden dangerous things from forest are depicted. They are using nature as one of the tools to kill enemies by using traps, waterfall, etc.

     We should be aware of the dangerous form of nature in this materialized world. We are talking about global warming and other such nature-related issues only by word of mouth and are not putting them into reality. Nowadays, natural calamities have become very frequent. So , it is that we disturb nature and nature does the same to us in reciprocation.

      If the same condition prevails, there will be no proper future for both nature and homo sapiens. We are trying to overcome nature, but the reality is that nature is overcoming us. This is clearly depicted in the movie 'The Day After Tomorrow'. In the movie, when a natural calamity was predicted by the protagonist, the idea was suppressed by others. A few days later, when the predicted thing starts to happen, people realize the upper hand of nature over humans.


 Another instance is the English movie 'Anaconda' in the movie, a group of poeople will go im search of a flower that has the power to give a long life to humans. During their search, they encountered snakes and were put to death by anaconda. Here, greed is the reason for their decline.

     The English movie 'Predators' is one in which a group of people go hunting predators, but the predators prevent themselves from being hunted by camouflaging themselves in a forest. Here, humans rely on machines,but predators rely on nature.

    In all the above-mentioned movies, one can find that nature has always been overpowering humans. Of course, the winner of this war is nature. In the early period, we maintained a friendly relationship with nature. Now, we started have a big gap. If we maintain a good relationship with nature, we can bridge the gap between us. Otherwise, they will start war and gain victory. Of course, we are not the enemies of nature. It depends on how we encourage it.


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