Friday 20 May 2016

X Men Apocalypse - First day Review

X Men Apocalypse is an another satisfying movie from marvel enterprises and x men series. You can see the story and plot in the screen. If it is discussed here the interest will loss. It is just an ordinary super hero movies as usual X men team saves the world again. The major reason for success is screenplay. It is written by Simon Kinberg. He wrote the script without confusion. The screenplay is fast moving too and it is focused on the needs. The adaptability of Bryan's direction adds more power to this screenplay. 

The most handsome man in this film is James Mcavoy (Professor Xavier). His facial expressions are enough. It will flat even boys and girls. (Audience too). He scored high marks by using his smiling face, The other characters such as cyclops, jean, night crawler etc showed their talent according to the need of script.

The visual effects and the 3D effects are well established. It is effective from the title screen. The movie tells something regarding false Gods, machines but it failed to convey the message in a complete manner. The major disappointment in the film is HUGH JACKMAN. He is appearing for few minutes but he stole the hearts of audience by claps and blasts. Audience feels that if Hugh Jackman will appear on whole movie, it will be more effective. What to do? the script does not need him. Overall the film is satisfied one and worth to watch. 

IMDB rating 7.8/10

Rotten tomatoes 2.5/5...

My rating is 6.5/10. Comment - GOOD.


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