Thursday 28 July 2016

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

          The Metamorphosis is a short novel by Kafka. It was translated from German language in the year 1946. The novel is identified as a work of existentialism. The notable thing is that the novel set in the period of World War. Kafka portrayed the mentality of a common person and his feelings.

          One morning the Protagonist Samsa became a bug. From the time his life became a tragedy. His family members were alienated him.They became selfish and neglect him. They imprisoned in a dark room and they would not allow him outside. Several characters like maid were come and went. Nobody was willing to help him except his lovable sister. Gradually his sister lost his interest in maintaining the dark room. After the permanent sleep of Samsa the family forgot him and they became happy.

          The author portrayed the struggles of working class life through the characters Samsa and his father. Even the love making between his mother and father became mechanical. Samsa's family was the good example during the period of war. The people's opinion on urbanization and globalization is terribly portrayed. The struggles of working class, absence of love, loss of humanity was pictured by Kafka.

          If you get the opportunity to read The Metamorphosis just read and loss in author's bliss of language.


 Kafka, Franz, and A. L. Lloyd. Metamorphosis. New York: Vanguard, 1946. Print. 

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