Saturday 15 October 2016

Inferno - Review

Another most anticipated movie is in theatres... guess what?

Yes .. you are right...

Dan Brown's Inferno movie version..

Let's see how the movie is..

What are the sources of Dan Brown's novel?

Religious or historical informations, clues, mysteries, a professor, a girl, an antagonist and an adventurous plot.
It will become a successful cocktail party with several unknown informations. Similarly Inferno contains the same. The film starts with Dante's Inferno (Hell drawing) with a clue... errrr.... hmmm... clue and a clue and a solution.....

The concept is "population is dangerous". A billionaire discovers virus called Inferno and he decides to spread to kill bunch of people to reduce population. He comes to know that he is going to die. So he makes clue for her fiancée and Mr.Langton is the only person who can decipher it. Everything is fine in this film. These are things to give jet speed movie. But the things happened in a contrary manner. For your information I didn't read book version, so I am go for movie version.

From my point of view, screenplay is not satisfied. Comparing with Davinci and Angels & Demons Inferno's screenplay is just an average. The movie can be watched because of very few scenes (stealing masks and deciphering clues). The another important thing is Tom Hanks' acting. He is always rocks. Music, cinematography no doubt add more beautiful and charming for the location.

Overall Inferno not fully satiesfied but not a worst film.. I suggest you people feel better to go for book.

My rating 5/10
Imdb 6.6/10

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