Wednesday 19 July 2017

Life from the past - Mary westmacott's novel review

     What will you do if you are alone? Imagine that you have to face sudden loneliness without any choice. You may feel irritate or sometimes your mind will start to wander on several things. For a teen it may be thinking of opposite sex. If he/she is matured, he may involve the process of self analysis.

     Those kind of self analysis results his/her own life in a positive way or negative way. In the novel Absent in the Spring, the same kind of situation is expressed in a vivid manner. The protagonist happened to face sudden loneliness in her journey. She is matured person so her mind enters into the process of self analysis. She starts to live with the memories of past.
     Eighty percent of humans have involve this kind of activities when they are alone. Its hard to control our wandering mind. If you are happend to alone you can analyse yourself but in some occasions it invovles the process of destroying relationship. He/ she may imagine and create the things of their own. This situation is very well illustrated in Mary Westmacott's Absent in the Spring.
     She starts to analyse herself in hot desert. Her feelings are often compared with lonely desert. Thus the setting for self analysis is brilliantly handled. The desert denotes the protagonist's lonelyness, mixture of emotions (desert is mixture of both pleasure and pain) etc.
     Finally she realises herself and she is satisfied with her life. Thus loneliness is not only a curse. Sometimes it is a boon. Thus living alone is one of the best ways to analyse and actualise oneself. If you take an important decision, let's stay yourself alone and decide brilliantly.

LIT MANIA RATING for Absent in the spring 5.5/10

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