Thursday 15 March 2018

World of Braindrain- Stephen William Hawking

March 14 is the another dark day for the scientific world. It is the biggest loss for the world of Science. It is all about shocking death of Stephen William Hawking. He is a great Physicist and Cosmologist of all time. His most famous works are The Brief History of Time, God Created the  Integers and The Black hole. Unfortunately the list of his iconic works are not ended. Personally I do not read Hawking's theories and I do not think I will understand those intellectual theories. I do not have that much brain too (I've admitted the truth). Even though I am not aware of his scientific theories I am aware about his sufferings.

There are some of my friends who are constantly asking who is he and what is his achievement. It is very shame that some of my friends do not aware about his presence. In my vernacular news papers the news about his death is very hard to find. They are giving more importance for other issues. We are in a critical situation. Most of the famous celebrities and intellects who are contributed to the world are slowly passing away in recent years.

APJ Abdul Kalam, Ms.J.Jayalalitha(CM of Tamilnadu), Stephen William Hawking and Micheal Jackson are some of them. The one common thing is that they cannot be replaced. Death is the common for all. It can be happen at anytime . We have to accept the reality. I want to say a simple thing. We need some replacements for these loss. We cannot fulfill for them in a hundred percent. Somehow we have to balance these loss. We have to overcome this braindrain. This depends on the present generation. The more you read the more you will strong. All The Best