Friday 20 July 2018

Mary shelley - Review

Mary Shelley is an another milestone in the literature movie rack. The movie is not just a bio-pic. It also reveals the pain of a woman writer due to gender issues. The director takes Mary Shelley's Frankenstein as his movie gist.

The movie moves with the help of Frankenstein's background. Mary Wollestone's family rejects Mary's proposal to marry P.B.Shelley. So they are eloped.

Then family problems such as debts, Thomas hogg's misbehaviour and Lord Byron's ill treatment affects her lot. But the couple wouldn't give up their lovely life.

Mary Shelley got the idea of writing Frankenstein, a creature becomes a monster due to isolation and solitude. Mary writes what she feels about her own life in her book. She feels that Frankenstein and herself are merely same.

She forced to publish with the authorship of her husband P.B.Shelley and she becomes furious because of gender inequality. The movie closes with PB Shelley's true love and she gets credit for her work.

Hats off to the director Haifa al Mansur who created a real life portrayal of shelly couple in the screen. He gives equal importance for gender politics in the film. The background score and cinematography is crystal clear. The movie did not give a feel of seeing a bio-pic. This bio-pic has commercial qualities too so there is no lag in the screenplay.
Elle Fanning and Duglas Booth are not acted but lived in the screen. Overall Mary shelley is a golden arch in the literature movie and a must watchable for general audience.

IMDB 6.3/10
Sharkz scale 7/10