Wednesday 15 May 2019

Polar (2019)- A netfilx movie review

Polar is a new dimensional neo-noir based film. The protagonist Duncan, a serial killer is going to retire from his job. His company has to give pension amont which contains some millions of money.

If an employee dies in his duty, the company will takeover those money. They try to assasinate Duncan. Then the movie follows controversial elements like noir life style, starving for hardcore sex and bloody violence etc.

The film is strictly for adults because it contains sexual explicits and blood violence. The predictable screenplay of the film is both positive and negative for this film. This plot requires this weakness at the same time the predictable screenplay lags in middle.

The BGM adds extra-terristial situation for a neo-noir film. Even though the actor is aged he still looks stylish. There are some logical mistakes but the movie do not let you think those mistakes.

The most beautiful thing is the climax twist which makes us to forgot all the negative elements. The film underlies the fact KARMA IS A BITCH. Polar is a guranteed horrible entertainer and it will engage you for two hours.

Overall polar is worth to spend your time with your friends. The best option is to watch in theatres to get better experience of neo-noir film.

IMDB- 6.5/10

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