Tuesday 14 May 2019

The Best Awkward Moments

Everyone has to experience two types of moments in their life. The delightful moments and The awkward moments. We do not have to worry about the delightful but have to worry about awkward. Sometimes it may funny but at sometimes it will create some issues. Here are the list of some awkward moments commonly experienced by us...

1. Itching in our body parts. If you meet your fiance or higher officials for first time, it may go well. Sometimes itching started to grow in the middle of the talk.. It is a horrible thing to itch our private places in front of them. We have to control because the impression may be lost.

2. If we lie, we will get caught. If we lie to friends for our comfort.. Some of the third persons are born to release those lie in front of our friends. Otherwise they can not get enogh sleep.

3.  If you go for dating with your girlfriend, you will serve the drinks very politely. At sometimes it may fall on their favourite costly dress. There are two possible outcomes. It will result breakup or she will call you as idiot.

4. Laziness is the bisggest enemy of all. If you postponed your studies, you will get fail within one or two marks you may happy that you are missed by very close. Your friends or masters will say whatever the near miss, missed is missed.

5. Sometimes we have to laugh in front of relatives for their worst jokes. Otherwise they will think that you are having head weight.

Still more moments is to come in part two..

Comment your awkward moment if you have experience.. I will add your moments on next part.

Have a happy reading

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