Sunday 20 October 2019

Maleficent: Mistress of Evil Review

Maleficent:Mistress of Evil is a sequel to the film 2014. Once again Angelina Julie gives her best even with her tiny expressions. The mistress of evil wins people's heart.

Princess Aurora wants to reunite the humans and the moors. Queen Ingrith wants to destroy the moors. Ingrith uses the Godmother (Angelina Julie) as her trap. Did the queen win with her nasty politics or Did Angelina Julie win the human love? You can find answer by experiencing it.

The movie is hilarious, sweet, visually stunning, adventurous, stylish making and it deserves all positive adjectives. The phoenix concept is unable to digest and it creates some sort of predictable climax. The Bgm is awesome (hollywood is always). Music helps us to make this fantasy journey. The 3D effects are lively and sometimes we are able to feel it as real. It must be experienced in theatres.

Here and there some minor mistakes but is covered by the magical screenplay. The background of the Godmother is not clearly explained. The sweet flowers for Joacham Ronning and the screenplay writers Linda and Noah. Another bouquet for the music director Geoff Zaneli.

Overall, it will be a unfoegettable experience, if you watch with your family.

IMDB 7.1/10
Sharkz Scale 8/10

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