Saturday 28 March 2020

Freud - A netflix series review

Freud is a fictional series inspired by the life of Sigmund Freud. In this series, the young Sigmund Freud tries to practice his hypnotherapy on his patients. He struggles in his career as psychiatrist. He joins with the outsiders to find out the brutal killer. It is mind blowing dark psychological thriller.

Robert Finster acts as Freud and he nails it. It is a slow burn thriller. So, we have to keep patience for acceleration. The slow burning speed is okay for dark thriller but is it okay for dark psychological thriller?

This is the major problem in this series.

An episode runs nearly an hour but only 30-40minutes are good to watch. Remaining hours are taking time to boost up the scenes. It is acceptable to take time for one ot two episodes but it takes the same amount of time to boost the scenes for each and every episode. Overall, the concept is worth to watch but it is not much entertaining.

Freud (2020) - a normal investigative thriller with the theories of Sigmund Freud. Freud character is a kind of pillar for this series. This is not the director's mistake. This kind of screenplay only suits for this dark psychological thriller because it is necessary to show minute details. Overall, Freud is a slow burn but well build in its quality but have to keep patience.

Imdb 6.7/10
Sharkz scale 5/10

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