Saturday 2 May 2020

Extraction- A Netflix Movie Review

Extraction (2020) is an action packed movie starred by Brad Pitt. It is about the underground war between the two drug lords. Brad Pitt, the killer has to extract the boy from the Bangladeshi lord to save his life.

The plot is tacky and it is not much impressed. This movie stands only for its natural action sequences.

The stunt co-ordinator's hard work has seen through out the entire film. Here and there some background details are missing. Like, why these lords have this much of vengence on each other.

They also portrayed Dhaka as a land of drugs. The film must have shown some respect to traditional Bangladesh.  The Bgm is 'ok type' for this film. The other actors' contributions are good and the movie scenes are like playing PUBG in Tpp camera settings.

Overall, Extraction is a worthy movie and worth to spend your time in this quarantine.

Stayhome staysafe

Imdb 6.8/10
Sharkz Scale 5.5/10

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