Thursday 23 July 2020

Aristotle's Poetics (I to V) - Chapterwise Summary

In this post we are going to talk about some highlights regarding Aristotle' Poetics. The first chapter talks about the types of poetry.

"I propose to treat of poetry in.... vatious kinds..."

He says that Epic, Tragedy and Comedy are the basic kinds of poetry. They differ in the aspects of the medium, the objects, the manner or mode of imitation.

In the second chapter he says that poetry is a kind of imitation. He adds that the objects of imitation are men in action; they may higher or lower classes of people. Comedy aims at representing men as worse but tragedy as better than in actual life.

The third chapter deals with the differences. The medium denotes the colour and form; the object denotes the men (higher or lower); the manner denotes how they are imitated.

The fourth chapter deals with the causes of writing poetry. The first cause is an instinct and the second is an imitation of noble action and actions of good men. He gives various examples from Homer, the Illiad Nd the Odessey.

The fifth chapter deals with the comedy, an imitation of lower men. He claims that comedy is a subdivison of ugly. Epic poetry which is similar to tragedy but only differed with its metre and its narrative form. Another major difference is epic has no time limit but tragedy confine itself to a single revolution of sun.

He concludes the fifth chapter by his words, "All the elements of an epic poem are found in Tragedy, but the elements of a Tragedy are not found in the Epic poem.

I hope I have given bulleted points on first five chapters. I will post for other chapters from upcoming posts. Keep read my blog and share my blog link to your friends.

                          -to be continued...