Sunday 11 April 2021

Thunder Force (2021) -A Netflix Movie Review

           Thunder Force (2021) is a netflix's millionth super hero movie with silly screenplay with the childish plot. Lydia and Emily are childhood friends. Emily's parents are killed by super inhumans and she vows to stop super humans. Lydia wants to spend her spare time but Emily wants to spend their time in the studies. So, their friendship is called off.

           Accidentally, Lydia gets super power and this power helps to reunite with Emily. They both together try to stop the super villains. 

           The cinematography is looking fresh and the BGM is good. Otherwise, the movie is looking ridiculous. The director Ben Falcone not even try to work for this film. The film has all the basic drawbacks like predictablity, regular hero movie etc. The VFX is good but the screenplay did not give any space for more action scenes. The movie is childish and it is not suitable for above even above ten years.

            Anyway, we can expect a better super hero movie from the Netflix soon. Better luck next time for the director and the writer.

Sharkz Scale 3.5/10

IMDB 4/10

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