Friday 4 June 2021

Sweet Tooth -A Netflix Fantasy Series Review

Sweet Tooth is a post-apocalyptic fantasy adventure series from DC comics. It is based on the characters created by Jeff Lemire.
We can easily relate ourselves to this series. 

The series opens with the mysterious pandemic started to blow out the world. On the mid of the Pandemic, there are new creatures are born called 'Hybrids' (partially human).

The plot is about the hybrid boy Gus's new life after his Pubba's(father) death. His father have warned not to cross the fence in the wild. Unfortunately, the situation forced him to cross the fence with the BIG MAN.

Thus, Gus, the hybrid undertakes a journey to unravel the mystery of his life. This series is interesting because the blended genre (Post-Apoclypse+Fantasy). The BGM and the cinematography is excellent and the director Jim Mickle put all his effort.

I hope the remaining episodes will be interesting and I am definitely watch this series till the end. Overall, Sweet Tooth is an engaging adventurous series and it is worth to spend your time in this covid apocalyptic era.

imdb 8.4/10
Sharkz scale 7/10

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